Federico Vegetti

random political research things


peer reviewed journal articles

Maurizio Avola, Giorgio Piccitto, Federico Vegetti (2023) "Migrant penalty in the European labor markets: the interplay between individual characteristics and the regional context." Frontiers in Sociology 8: 1270167 [Link OA]

Luana Russo, Federico Vegetti (2023) "The general election of 2022: the return of bipolarity?" Contemporary Italian Politics 15 (2): 159-174 [Link OA]

Federico Vegetti, Moreno Mancosu. (2022) "Perceived Exposure and Concern for Misinformation in Different Political Contexts: Evidence From 27 European Countries." American Behavioral Scientist (in press) [Link] [PDF]

Federico Vegetti, Levente Littvay. (2021) "Belief in conspiracy theories and attitudes toward political violence." Italian Political Science Review 52 (1): 18-32 [Link OA] [Replication Material]

Moreno Mancosu, Antonella Seddone, Giuliano Bobba, Federico Vegetti. (2021) "'In conspiracies we trust': Interpersonal/institutional trust and beliefs in conspiracy theories during the COVID-19 pandemic." Italian Political Science 16 (2): 122-136 [Link OA]

Giuliano Bobba, Moreno Mancosu, Franca Roncarolo, Antonella Seddone, Federico Vegetti. (2021) "Losers get sick? The effects of electoral defeat on perceptions of pandemic risk." Italian Journal of Electoral Studies 24 (2): 79-91 [Link OA]

Moreno Mancosu, Federico Vegetti. (2020) "'Is It the Message or the Messenger?': Conspiracy Endorsement and Media Sources." Social Science Computer Review (in press) [Link] [PDF] [Replication Material]

Giuliano Bobba, Moreno Mancosu, Antonella Seddone, Federico Vegetti. (2020) "Il Barometro dell’Odio nello Sport. L’hate speech online nelle conversazioni sportive su Facebook e Twitter." Problemi dell'informazione 2/2020: 313-318 [Link]

Moreno Mancosu, Federico Vegetti. (2020) "What you can scrape and what is right to scrape. A proposal for a tool to collect public Facebook data." Social Media + Society July-September 2020: 1-11 [Link OA]

Federico Vegetti, Moreno Mancosu. (2020) "The impact of political sophistication and motivated reasoning on misinformation." Political Communication 37 (5): 678-695 [Link] [PDF] [Replication Material]

Martin Lukes, Manuel Feldmann, Federico Vegetti. (2019) "Work Values and the Value of Work: Different Implications for Young Adults’ Self-Employment in Europe." The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 682 (1): 156-171 [Link OA]

Federico Vegetti. (2019) "The Political Nature of Ideological Polarization: The Case of Hungary." The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 681 (1): 78–96 [Link] [PDF]

Federico Vegetti, Daniela Širinić. (2019) "Left–Right Categorization and Perceptions of Party Ideologies." Political Behavior 41 (1): 257-280 [Link] [PDF] [Replication Material]

Jale Tosun, [many more], Federico Vegetti. (2019) "Perceived economic self-sufficiency: A country-and generation-comparative approach." European Political Science 18 (3):510-531 [Link] [PDF] [Replication Material]

Bruno Castanho Silva, Federico Vegetti, Levente Littvay. (2017) "The Elite Is Up to Something: Exploring the Relation Between Populism and Belief in Conspiracy Theories." Swiss Political Science Review 23 (4): 423–443 [Link] [PDF] [Replication Material]

Federico Vegetti, Dragos Adascalitei. (2017) "The impact of the economic crisis on latent and early entrepreneurship in Europe." International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 13 (4): 1289–1314 [Link] [PDF]

Federico Vegetti, Zoltán Fazekas, Zsombor Méder. (2017) "Sorting your way out: perceived party positions, political knowledge, and polarization." Acta Politica 52 (4): 479-501 [Link] [PDF]

Federico Vegetti. (2014) "From Political Conflict to Partisan Evaluations: How Citizens Assess Party Ideology and Competence in Polarized Elections." Electoral Studies 35: 230-241 [Link] [PDF]

Federico Vegetti, Monica Poletti, Paolo Segatti. (2014) "Availability or disengagement? How Italian citizens reacted to the two-faced parliamentary grand coalition supporting the Monti government." Polis 28 (1): 61-84 [Link] [PDF]

Federico Vegetti, Monica Poletti, Paolo Segatti. (2013) "When responsibility is blurred. Italian national elections in times of economic crisis, technocratic government, and ever-growing populism." Italian Political Science Review 43 (3): 329-352 [Link] [PDF]


"The Electoral Implications of Political Polarization." ISBN: 978-88-255-3027-8. Aracne Editrice (2020) [PDF]

book chapters

Antonella Seddone, Giuliano Bobba, Moreno Mancosu, Federico Vegetti. "C come cospirazione. Attitudini populiste e teorie del complotto ai tempi del covid." In Dalla pandemia all'infodemia. La disinformazione ai tempi del Covid-19, a cura di Maria Giovanna Sessa, Feltrinelli (2022) [Link]

Federico Vegetti. "Ideological Polarisation." In Consequences of Context. How the Social, Political, and Economic Environment Affects Voting, edited by Hermann Schmitt, Paolo Segatti and Cees van der Eijk, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers / ECPR Press (2021) [Link] [PDF]

Federico Vegetti. "Mappare la competizione tra partiti ai tempi del Covid-19." In Come siamo cambiati? Opinioni, orientamenti politici, preferenze di voto alla prova della pandemia, a cura di Nicola Maggini e Andrea Pedrazzani, Feltrinelli (2021) [Link] [PDF]

Hans Schadee, Paolo Segatti, Federico Vegetti. "La rappresentazione dello spazio politico all'epoca della (presunta) morte di sinistra e destra." In L'apocalisse della democrazia italiana: alle origini di due terremoti elettorali, a cura di Hans Schadee, Paolo Segatti e Cristiano Vezzoni, Il Mulino (2019) [Link] [PDF]

Riccardo Ladini, Federico Vegetti. "Il movimento elettorale 2013-2018." In L'apocalisse della democrazia italiana: alle origini di due terremoti elettorali, a cura di Hans Schadee, Paolo Segatti e Cristiano Vezzoni, Il Mulino (2019) [Link] [PDF]

Paolo Segatti, Federico Vegetti. "L’economia e il terremoto elettorale del 2018." In L'apocalisse della democrazia italiana: alle origini di due terremoti elettorali, a cura di Hans Schadee, Paolo Segatti e Cristiano Vezzoni, Il Mulino (2019) [Link] [PDF]

Hans Schadee, Paolo Segatti, Federico Vegetti. "Una domanda di più democrazia o di democrazia invisibile?" In L'apocalisse della democrazia italiana: alle origini di due terremoti elettorali, a cura di Hans Schadee, Paolo Segatti e Cristiano Vezzoni, Il Mulino (2019) [Link] [PDF]

Dragos Adascalitei, Federico Vegetti. "Deregulation and its effects on job security and employability during the Great Recession. An European multilevel analysis." In Job Quality in the Era of Flexibility. Experiences in a European Context, edited by Tommy Isidorsson and Julia Kubisa, Routledge (2018) [Link] [PDF]

Federico Vegetti. "Hungary: The stability of Fidesz’s domain." In The European Parliament Elections of 2014, edited by Lorenzo De Sio, Vincenzo Emanuele and Nicola Maggini, CISE - Centro Italiano Studi Elettorali (2014) [Link] [PDF]

Federico Vegetti. "Ungheria: la stabilità del predominio di Fidesz." In Le Elezioni Europee 2014, a cura di Lorenzo De Sio, Vincenzo Emanuele e Nicola Maggini, CISE - Centro Italiano Studi Elettorali (2014) [Link] [PDF]

book reviews

"Polar Stars. Why the Political Ideologies of Modernity Still Matter." By Mauro Barisione, Milano University Press (2021) [Link]

working papers that will never get published but are cool

Federico Vegetti. "Ideological Bipolarization - Or the effect of stereotyping on the perception of ideological positions." (presented at the ISPP Annual Conference, 2014) [PDF]

Federico Vegetti, Zoltán Fazekas. "Party polarization and ideological thinking in Europe" (presented at the ECPR Joint Session and at the MPSA Annual Meeting, 2013) [PDF]


Martin Mölder, Federico Vegetti. "What do they talk about when they play punk? A quantitative analysis of punk rock lyrics from 1977 to 2015." (presented at CEU Data Stories, 2017) [PDF]

Levente Littvay, Federico Vegetti. "IRT invariance test and cross-country-longitudinal assessment of attitudes towards entrepreneurship during the economic crisis in the EU." (presented at the MPSA Annual Meeting, 2015) [PDF]

Apollonia Goll, Mascha Rauschenbach, Federico Vegetti. "The SEED (Science Speed Dating) Project. An innovative method to foster interdisciplinary research projects." (presented at the EARLI SIG 4 Higher Education Conference, 2012) [PDF]


The Electoral Consequences of Ideological Party Polarization in Europe. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Mannheim. Defended on November 22, 2013.

I dilemmi degli elettori di sinistra nell'Italia del 2008 (Left-wing voters' dilemmas in 2008's Italy). M.A. Thesis, University of Milan. 2009. [PDF]

Tra Stephen King E Joe R. Lansdale: Romanzi di formazione americani (From Stephen King to Joe R. Lansdale: American coming-of-age novels). B.A. Thesis, University of Milan. 2005. [PDF]